
Are you a celebrity? Do you know someone who is?

Then will you please help create a Dr Who book for charity?

The idea is simple: to ask those in the public eye with a connection to or enthusiasm for Dr Who to each contribute a particular favourite memory they have of the series.

“The public eye” means… either; proper, honest-to-goodness celebs; high profile fans; people in telly generally or who have worked on the show; journo types who make a living from writing and can cause a stir with their opinions.

Each contribution may be something from childhood, a particular favourite adventure or moment from the series, or something more recent.

The story need not simply be a memory of watching the programme; perhaps it’s the experience of working with an actor who played Dr Who, getting that elusive Target novelisation, or finding a Police Box outside Earl’s Court tube station – heart-warming, entertaining or evocative memories that will make the book as enjoyable to read as possible.

The book will be published when enough contributions have been received.

Any questions? Please ask them below.

2 Responses to About

  1. Sadly I’m not famous, I don’t think (my Wikipedia entry mentions my work for The Beano and comedy) but if I were, I’d say…

    The 1980s were made harder than necessary for me because I had the mixed fortune to be a Doctor Who fan who, suddenly, looked like The Doctor. I’d grown out of Doctor Who, as most teenagers do, when I discovered girls and being in a band. But now I looked like Peter Davison I led my pack of fellow art students to the college TV to revisit the programme from my youth. And there I sat, pathetically pleading that “it used to be good. I’m sure to used to be good.”

    It did get better, but it took a while.

    Kev F

  2. Coo! A shout-out on Radio Free Skaro! Well done!

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